Patsy Naseman Honored for 28 Years of Service

Patsy Naseman was the first associate ever hired at Freshway Foods. When she joined the company, she shared an office with Frank Gilardi, and Phil Gilardi had an office around the corner by the production room in the 7000 square foot facility. Patsy handled accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, customer service, and every other office task needed to keep the fledgling company running. She also laid the groundwork for our company culture, through her positive attitude, strong work ethic, and pleasant disposition.

Patsy Naseman
Patsy Naseman

Fast forward 28 years, and Freshway is now over 400 associates, working together in a state-of-the-art production facility with over 100,000 square feet of space, to produce the highest quality fresh-cut produce. A lot has changed in 28 years, but one thing has stayed constant: Patsy’s positive attitude, strong work ethic, and pleasant disposition.

Patsy is retiring, and we want to take a moment to honor her service to Freshway, and the impact she has had on each of our lives over the years.

We held an award ceremony in her honor on Wednesday, and Patsy was presented with a plaque thanking her for her service to Freshway. Frank Gilardi and Phil Gilardi shared personal stories about Patsy, and spoke about how much they have learned from her over the years. Patsy was also presented with a poster of the company logo, signed by Freshway associates.

Wednesday evening, the celebration continued, with a dinner for Patsy, her family, and a number of Freshway associates. During the dinner, Patsy was “roasted” by her coworkers, with humorous stories, but also an abundance of heart-felt well wishes.

Although Patsy is retiring, her impact on Freshway will continue to be seen every day. We will miss her greatly, and we hope to live up to the shining example she has set for all of us.

Congratulations, Patsy, on your retirement. We love you!!



Meet Our New Customer Service Representative: Traci Barlage

Meet our new Customer Service Representative, Traci Barlage!

Traci joined Team Freshway in March. Her responsibilities include order entry, communicating with customers, making delivery appointments, and working with other members of the team to ensure our customers receive the highest level of service.

Prior to joining Freshway, Traci worked as a customer service and administrative associate at a local utility company. She also has experience with a plumbing company, where she did a little bit of every position, including ordering, purchasing, payroll, and human resources.

Traci learned about the position at Freshway from a close friend, who felt that she would be a perfect fit for the job. “As I read the job description, it really did seem to be a good fit for me,” Traci explains. “Something seemed to click, and I thought, ‘I need to do this.'”

Traci says that she really enjoys the work she does at Freshway.  “The job is fast-paced, and every day is different, so it keeps you interested,” she says. “The industry is always changing,” she adds. “One thing that surprised me was how many different types of vegetables are available. There really is something for everyone.”

Traci says that one thing about Freshway that has impressed here is how everyone is friendly and helpful. “My first day here, everybody introduced themselves, and I have never experienced that before,” Traci says. “My first impression at Freshway was respect, and that was huge,” she adds. “No matter who you are, you are treated with respect at Freshway.”

Traci’s family has also noticed how happy Traci is in her new role. “Last week I came home and one of my children said, ‘You are smiling every day when you come through the door,” she says. “It never dawned on me, but I guess that’s true!”

A Shelby County native, Traci lives in Fort Loramie with her husband and two children. She volunteers with the Girl Scouts and the St. Vincent de Paul organization. Traci holds a dual Associates degree in Business and Marketing from the University of Northwestern Ohio in Lima.

Please join us in welcoming Traci to Team Freshway!